The greatest single feature in the Flinders Ranges is Wilpena Pound where there is abundant bird and wildlife, spectacular scenery and dense native vegetation interlinked with excellent bushwalking tracks.
Situated approximately 450km north of Adelaide, this ancient landscape had its beginnings in sediments, laid down in the sea some 1000-5000 million years ago.
The ‘Pound’ is a vast natural amphitheatre surrounded by colossal peaks which change colour as the light falls on them through the day. The only entrance is through a narrow gorge and across ‘Sliding Rock’. The highest point, St Mary’s Peak, is 1,188 m.
The famous Cazneaux Tree (third from the left and in the distance) claims its fame from a photograph titled The Spirit of Endurance taken by Harold Cazneaux in 1937, gaining the photographer, and the tree, international recognition.